by Rich Wilson | Jan 23, 2017 | Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk12
No, I have not but I know that others have. I’m sure not in the Vendee globe, but for cruising. There was a famous story in a book called Once is Enough, of a cruising couple who were capsized. They had had a cat, but the cat disappeared. They presumed overboard...
by Prof. Maria Zuber | Jan 20, 2017 | Q&A Prof Maria Zuber, Q&A-Expert-wk11
Every class I had throughout my education has been helpful to me in my profession as a geophysicist, but the ones that immediately come to mind are science, math, and writing. While in elementary and middle school I checked out text books from the library and taught...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 20, 2017 | Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk11
Dear David: I liked math when I was in school, especially geometry and trigonometry. I liked how orderly it was, and you could get an actual answer, whereas in English class it was more about interpretation, and I wasn’t as good at that. Within the structure of...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 19, 2017 | Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk11
Dear Annya: We have not seen many stars on this trip because of the weather, and that is very disappointing. On other voyages, I would spend a lot of time at night looking at the stars, and studying a book called The Star Book by H. A. Rey. It is the best star book...
by Dr. Ambrose Jearld | Jan 19, 2017 | Q&A - DrAmbroseJearld, Q&A-Expert-wk11
I grew up on a farm and was always interested in what was in the water in the ponds, rivers and swampy areas. I also loved going to the coast and learning more about what lived in the ocean. I liked being outdoors and doing field work and focused on science in high...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 19, 2017 | Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk11
I liked to play soccer (which is football in every other country in the world!) I wasn’t big enough to not get hurt if I played American football, and besides, the soccer seemed much more clever and intricate than the brute force of football. I also liked to...