With Dee Caffari
Yes. This, I believe, is the first Vendee Globe without a woman skipper, and it’s unfortunate. There have been great women skippers, like Catherine Chabaud, and Anne Liardet from France, and Samantha Davies and Dee Caffari from Britain. Samantha and Dee were in the 2008/9 race that I sailed in, and finished 4th and 6th respectively. I had the great opportunity to sail with Dee from the Azores to Southampton, UK a year ago, for training. Dee has completed 5 around-the-world races, each a different event, and all successfully. She is amazing. Singlehanded downwind (Vendee Globe), singlehanded upwind (record voyage), double handed downwind (Barcelona World Race), plus the BT Global Challenge (upwind with amateur crews, she was the captain) and downwind with crew in the Volvo Ocean Race with Team SCA (all women’s team). Dee is amazing!
Question submitted by Tanja’s class, Riga, Latvia