by Rich Wilson | Jan 11, 2017 | Q&A, Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk10
Dear Lauren: Barometric pressure indicates high pressure systems, which generally have good weather, and low pressure systems, which are generally stormy. If you look at a weather map that shows lines of barometric pressure, sometimes they will be close together,...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 11, 2017 | Q&A, Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk10
Dear Ray, Our ‘house’ battery bank, that runs all of the equipment on board, consists of 3 lithium batteries of 200 amp-hours each, so 600 amp-hours in total. The boat normally runs at about 15-16 amps consumed per hour. Whereas previous generation gel...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 10, 2017 | Ship's Logs
The defining characteristic of these past few days has been gray, gray, gray, overcast and gray. It seems as though we have not seen the sun substantively, except of one afternoon last week, for weeks. Amazing, and one hopes that that will change. We have 1500...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 9, 2017 | Q&A, Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk10
Dear Jerry, I don’t have any deteriorating joint problems, I’ve been lucky that way. But my knees are sore from crawling around on them inside, and on deck, and also, the layout of the cabin means there is great stress placed on knees for big steps up and...
by Rich Wilson | Jan 9, 2017 | Q&A, Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk10
Dear Mateo. Yes you could get lost at sea . There are no street signs out here. Once you are out of sight of land, you can wonder what direction land is. But we have good tools for dealing with where we are. Nowadays the GPS system (Global Positioning System) is the...