by Rich Wilson | Dec 31, 2016 | Ship's Logs
A big event happened today – crossing the International Date Line, from East Longitude, to West Longitude. We are opposite on the Planet from Greenwich, UK, where the Prime Meridian is. Think of it, we are upside down from them – or – they are upside down from us....
by Rich Wilson | Dec 30, 2016 | Q&A, Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk8
Dear Ned, Yes, I am planning to do that with some videos. In the meantime, see the 360° photos that we have that put you inside the boat and on deck. They are fabulous. You can scan left to right, up and down, zoom or retreat. Question submitted by Ned, Essex CT,...
by Rich Wilson | Dec 30, 2016 | Ship's Logs
As the smaller low changed the wind direction on us, we gybed northeast. Not only did we have to do that for that low, but there are two depressions coming from New Zealand in the next week, and after much study, we decided to try to get north far enough to minimize...
by Rich Wilson | Dec 29, 2016 | Ship's Logs
This morning I had a wonderful Skype video call with Captain Murray Lister of our Team of Experts. He and wife Jenny live in Nelson, New Zealand, on the South Island. Murray and I have been friends since he and his shipmates welcomed Steve Pettengill and me into the...
by Rich Wilson | Dec 29, 2016 | Q&A, Q&A - RichWilson, Q&A-RW-wk8
Dear Isabella, The fist time that I sailed into the Southern Ocean, I had a book about seabirds, and, of course, it had pictures of the birds, and descriptions of their behavior, and so i was able to identify the albatross. Plus I had a shipmate, Bill Biewenga, who...