A Chat with the Brazilian Navy

In the night, we had a bird flying just overhead about 30′ up above the cockpit in the dark. I could just barely make out its shape, dark against dark. It was amazing that the bird would be able to see rigging, and avoid it. Some time later, I was in the cabin,...

Crossing the Equator

At 0450 UTC this morning, Great American IV crossed the Equator heading south. It is my 12th crossing under sail, and to see the N turn to S on the GPS holds the same wonderment as the first time. We are in the Southern Hemisphere. And when we get to the Southern...

Dream Your Dreams

Today we are on final approach for the equator, only 120 miles ahead. Last night we broke through the last line of big rain clouds – there was a very distinct line of them on the radar – and were then in a building southeasterly wind. Through the night, we sailed very...

Biometrics: Week 3

[et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” saved_tabs=”all”] Nov. 18th-24th:...

Podcasts: Week 2

November 17: Almost Through November 16: Watching the Weather November 15: Heading Towards the Doldrums November 14: Past Cape Verde Islands November 13: Blasting Along November 12: Passing the Canary Islands November 11: Sail Changes While Going by...

Battling the ITCZ

Today and yesterday have blurred together in my mind. Partially this is inadequate sleep, and an inadequate routine. When one puts in a reef, or rolls out a reef, at 0300, it confuses the day and the distinction between work hours and non-work hours. On an Open 60...