Getting Caught Up on Sleep

We continue to settle in to life at sea. The first couple of days were survival in the squalls, and repairs of batten car and hydrogenerator pump. It finally seems as if the latter is now functioning properly, albeit with a repaired hydraulic line. Having spent some...

Stability, Speed & Shaving

Last night the conditions,though strong, were stable, and the boat was flying. Because of confidence in the autopilot, I was able to get several 40 minute naps in, and this morning I felt much better rested than has been the case. Preparing for one of our media...

Extra: Hydrogenerator

I’ve been working quite a bit the first week on our hydrogenerator, so thought I’d include a picture and more of an explanation of the issue and my fix. The pump box of the hydrogenerator senses pressure on the propeller blades by the water rushing past...

Approaching Madeira

Yesterday I spent considerable time working on photos and videos to send in, including a 360 degree video which is very interesting as you can scroll around and decide where you would like to focus, rather than having the photographer decide that for you. Yet the...

Contemplating Cavitation

After yesterday’s 3 hour battle with the tiny hydraulic tubing within the hydrogenerator pump box, and getting stabilized within the high pressure system with full mainsail and genoa, I decided to allow multiple naps through the night, with the Presto Digital...

Heading Toward the Azores

Through the night we went down to the first reef and solent jib, from the full mainsail and genoa, and then to the staysail when we had steady winds of 25 knots. Getting off the coast of Portugal, away from the Traffic Separation Zone at Cape Finisterre,and the myriad...