An Eventful 24 Hours

What an eventful 24 hours. We were in the bulls-eye of the strong winds for the depression. Solent to staysail to storm jib, and 1 reef to 2 reefs... read more

In the Depression

Wednesday, January 11th: The depression that is forecast approaches. As we are 4th in the group, we will likely get it the worst, since it will... read more

The First Adventurer

We got through the night OK, close reaching across the waves and into them a little bit, with staysail and 2 reefs in the mainsail. Mostly 25 knots... read more

Sunshine & Blue Sky

Our plan to stay east in front of the next depression was a good one, and we mostly have done that , but have been caught by the front of the... read more

Pacific Swells

This has been the nicest day of sailing that we’ve had in one might say months, which is probably just about true. We’ve had a lot of sunshine,... read more

Gray, Gray, Gray

Today we are trying to get to the east enough to be spared the next depression, or at least the worst of the next depression. But we have light... read more